Saturday, June 14, 2008

All the news..

Sometimes even the venerable New York Times gets it wrong.

In a n article today about Democratic Party drives to register people in Louisiana to vote the Times may have pandered just a bit...

I quote my letter to the editorial board..

In your article about Democratic efforts to registrar voters in Louisiana you back handedly refer to Acorn as a "left -wing national organizing group".

Regardless of political affiliation, any group, organization or, for that matter bridge club, that contributes to the number of eligible people to vote can only have a positive and realistic outcome any popular vote.

Actually , having only having a passing acquaintance with Acorn, I looked in at their site and found all this 'left-wing" propaganda..

Affordable Housing
Better Schools
Fair Housing
Gulf Coast Recovery
Health Care

and of particular importance to those of us with out monetary resources..

Living Wage
Paid Sick Days
Predatory Lending

Yes, obliviously there is much here to be concerned about.

Check out Acorn yourself.

I just joined.

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